

五笔86版:QKQQ 五笔98版: QKQQ 仓颉码:NOMV 郑码:CYYB,U+5F74 一笔画:10 笔顺编号:3525121454 四角号码:26400 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+5F74 详细解释 婼(婼)ruò 【名词】 (形声。从女,若声。本义:指古代西域国名) 同本义 [Choros]。故地在今新疆鄯善东南 婼,戎翟之乡。——《集韵》 周公之孙伯禽封于鲁,有妘姓之国,焉耆是也;仲衍封于邾,有姒姓之国,鄫是也;叔刘封于邾,有姜姓之国,莒是也;公子展封于邾,有任姓之国,宿是也;穆伯封于邾,有偃姓之国, 婼是也。——《左传·昭公元年》 又如:婼邑(中国周代诸侯国名,在今山西省闻喜县一带)

(姓氏) CHOROS(音若) The Ruo surname was originally a royal title of the ancient Xiyu kingdom. In the Western Zhou dynasty, it became a surname in Lu state and was recorded in the “Zuo’s Commentary on Spring and Autumn Annals” when Cui Ting was made Duke of Zhao. There are three other surnames with the same source as that of the Choros clan: Zi(子姓),Yu(鱼姓) and Jia(贾姓), all of which can be traced back to the Ruo family.

In later times, the name Choros was used by ethnic Tibetans for their descendants who lived along the northern banks of what is now known as the Yellow River~the ancestral home of the Tibetan people. It also came to refer to Tibetans overseas。


五笔86版: CKFH 九划,五行属水 (C)、王(K)、方(F)、土(H)

五笔98版: CHYG 十划,五行属火 (C)、王(H)、言(Y)、木(G)

五笔全拼输入法: huaguo 十二划,五行属金 (h)、王(g)、戈(u)、瓜(a)、可(o)

