

“揉”字的五行属性为“火”,详细解析如下所示。 汉字:揉 拼音:róu 部首:手 五笔:RJFK(老版五笔)、RFJK(新版五笔) 笔画数:10 字号:大中小 笔顺编号:1213251154 四角号码:56077 UniCode:CJK 统一汉字 U+638A


● 揉 róu (1) ㄖㄡˊ (2) 用手摩擦,使细软物体起泡沫:~面。~泥。~纸团。~眼睛。 (3) 用手指按压:按~。~板。 (4) 古同“煣”,虫名。

常用词组 揉搓 róucuò [rub and knead] 捏住头发或别的东西一搓 一把鼻涕一把眼泪地揉着 揉成 róuchéng (1) [form into a ball;kneading]∶将和好的粉状物等搓成圆团 揉成小球。

(2)[mix thoroughly]∶搅和匀了 把油糖揉成糊状。

相关词语 揉刺儿 揉弄 揉曲儿 揉陷 揉眼 揉捏 揉皱 揉合 揉窝 揉眉

英文翻译 ◎ 揉 rub 例句与用法 The baby was asleep, with her fists clenched. He gently opened one hand then the other until he got to her middle fingers. There he stopped because they were too stiff to bend back. He rubbed his face wearily. 他疲惫不堪地擦着脸。 The nurse held him fast by the shoulders as she gave him an injection in his arm. It took all of her strength to hold him up so that she could inject the drug into his shoulder. Then she released his arms with care, holding them while he finished rubbing his head to get rid of the headache. 护士用力地抓住他的胳膊给他注射。打完针后她小心翼翼地放开他,让他继续按着头减轻头痛。
