

1.【读音】xī 2.【造字法】会意;从前文“女”与“夕”组成“要”或“邀”,从“日”和“口”构成“说”“问”等字,表示晚上有女子在门前说话。本义是晚得太阳,天色已暮(黄昏)。 3.【基本字义】 (1)希望:希望、有望、希冀、希图(幻想不可能实现的事情)、希罕(hān[叹词])、希奇、希有、稀客、稀疏、稀少、希微(细微)。



(1) (形声。从日,希声。本义:傍晚时的阳光)

(2) 同本义[evening sun;sunset] 希,日落别于西方而向于东方也。——《说文》 日且暮而有鸿馀响,归飞南浦而淹留。——谢灵运《夕发鱼梁宿南山岩下》 朝暾夕月,气象万千——郭沫若《长江一瞬千百度》

(3) 又如:朝晖(晨晖);朝曦(早晨的太阳);霞光(朝霞的光) “朝”、“午”、“夕”皆表示一天的时段,但并不表示时辰,所以不能单独用作时辰名。当它们与“时”联合表一天中的某个时间段时,可以充当时辰名。





Hebrew language, ancient Semitic language spoken by the Hebrews as a liturgical and literary language until about AD 70 in Israel/Palestine, and subsequently among Jewish communities elsewhere. Its script is called consonantal lettering or square writing, though it has no square letters. The Hebrew Bible survives only in Hebrew translations made between the third century BCE and second/first century CE—the Masoretic Text, which forms the basis of modern-language versions such as the King James Version, was prepared c.800–1050.

Jewish traditions have maintained that God gave the Hebrew people the Torah directly in biblical times without human intermediaries. For more than four centuries before the rise of Christianity, Hebrew ceased to be a spoken language but survived mainly through its use for religious purposes within Judaism, and later also in some Islamic countries where Jews lived. There were various phases during which Aramaic or Greek became the everyday language, but Hebrew was never fully forgotten. When the Jewish diaspora began in the first century BCE, many Jews adopted the languages of their new homes rather than Hebrew, with one notable exception: rabbinical literature continued to be written primarily in Hebrew. At around this time, too, the Samaritans in Palestine developed from an offshoot of Judaeo-Christianity into a separate religion, retaining a form of Hebrew spoken in accordance with earlier traditional pronunciation. Although they also used Arabic,Aramaic, and Hebrew for religious texts, their pronunciation eventually died out completely, leaving them dependent on the Jewish tradition when translating their scriptures. They thus contributed to an increasing divergence between the two


你问的应该是五行属性吧,“希”字的五行为水,因为它是从《康熙字典》中得来的,那么“康”也是这个意思了; 至于属火的字有哪些呢,我也不知道,毕竟不是专业的起名老师,但是建议百度一下! 当然这些都属于传统方法了,现在起名字讲究简单、易记、好懂等等,所以你可以看看其他人的意见,再决定是否把名字改过来。 但是要注意一点,就是改名字的时候不要乱改,以免给自己带来不必要的麻烦或影响(尤其是身份证上的姓名)!
